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The New Mutants
The New Mutant Movie Review
Let's get into the breakdown okay so new mutants feels like a film that was never gonna come out I can't remember something that's been delayed this much and it seems like such a long time ago since we saw the first trailer all the way back in 2017 this teaser provided a unique take on the comic book movie and it initially appeared to be a horror before the studio decided that it was too much of a risk to take that's further reshoots were planned which would change several aspects of the film and the movie suffered
its first delay however there were rumours that the reshoots were actually going to be a lot more substantial and that they would pretty much require refilming over half of the movie fox wanted to avoid the flop that was fanfare stick whilst also being different Enough that it seemed like something that would stand apart like logan and Deadpool during this time
the Disney fox consolidation was additionally occurring a ton of things Were up in the air and it seemed like there would be major changes in the studio structure that would severely alter its lineup however there was a clause in the contract that stated new mutants would have to be released theoretically and this is why the film has been dropped in cinemas instead of on streaming services Disney begrudgingly took this on
but decided that investing in reshoots wasn't going to be worth the return on investment thus they placed it back into their release schedule minus the reshoots and the film is pretty much how it was originally intended to be however the pandemic caused a major shift in the movie business and thus they took it off their lineup on may the 4th it was reported that the film had been listed for media pre-order on amazon and some lawyers must have got involved as the listing was taken down almost Promptly it went to and fro for quite a long time about whether the film would come around before Disney
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Eventually just decided to dump it at the end of august with little marketing and probably in the mindset that they just want the entire thing over with so yay who's excited now I actually went into this film quite optimistic even with the low rotten tomatoes scored 22 per cent which was based off nine reviews and let's be the honest man that's not enough opinions to gain a critical consensus but yeah since then even with the added reviews the score hasn't really moved up
that much but you know I was still like well it might be good and you know what it's okay now as for the plot itself we open with the same clip that was shown at comic-con at home the narration is given to us by Danny Moonstar and she tells us that when she was growing up her father told her that within everyone exists two bears one evil and one good
Which bear wins depends on which bear you feed the most and dany has been told throughout her life that it is possible to conquer the darkness within her her father gave her a small bear necklace which was meant to represent how small the evil bear once was however as it feeds on fear there is a worry that this metaphorical bear has grown as dany has too now in the opening it seems like her home is devastated by a tornado but it is revealed that this is a manifestation of the bear which is brought on by dany's powers through out the film
we learn that dany is capable of taking one's darkest desires or greatest fears and bringing them to life she's pretty much the jason striker of the film and throughout she learns how to control her powers dany's father is murdered in front of her by the bear who then chases her through the woods before she falls faster than disney stalks and gets knocked out it's here
that she wakes up in a hospital run by a doctor named cecilia reyes who tells her that they're in an institution that's been built to house mutants reyes informs dany that she's a mutant herself and were introduced to the other members of the cast now clearly from the off this is a sort of twist on xavier's school for gifted youngsters whereas his mansion was overseen by a mutant who is able to read people's minds and therefore be empathetic towards them
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Reyes's power involves generating force fields this idea of shutting things out definitely ties into her as a character and she very much keeps the truth guarded from the group she too is part of balls herself and doesn't really see the teens as people more they're simply animals to her they're initially under the impression that they're being trained to be part of the x-men but this is soon revealed to be a lie and it's actually the essex corporation behind it if you're up to speed with the x-men franchise you'll remember that they collected wolverine's dna at the weapon x facility now
it does hint that this film is actually connected to logan and that if the group passed this screening phase they'll be shipped off to a facility to be trained as weapons there's also lip service given to the mutant population dying out and though we don't get a specific time period for the film i would say that it falls in just before logan however it's pretty much a standalone movie and disney don't do any efforts to connect it to the grand mcu now as for the lineup i actually think that they work really well and each one of them is pretty memorable normally in team-up films you get some that become lost by the wayside but i did feel that each one of
These leaves an impression the first one i want to talk about is anya taylor joy who's playing ileana rasputin why why here first because god damn now rasputin is actually the sister of colossus in the comics however as mentioned earlier they don't really make any connections and beyond being able to armor up she might as well be a different entity on top of this eliana is capable of traveling into a dimension known as limbo where her powers derive from it seems like she has a stuffed animal also known as lockheed but this does take form by the end now
we do learn that she was forced into child slavery when she was younger and has been chased by mysterious monsters known as the smiley men for most of her life they sort of become big villains as dany manifests them into reality and though it's clearly ripping off the gentleman from buffy the vampire slayer they do show the episode at one point in the movie so hey at least they're admitting it
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i suppose now next up is maisie william who plays rain sinclair sinclair's monika is wolf spain and as you can guess she has the ability to transform into a dog she's probably one of the most interesting characters in the film and sinclair group in a very religious village and fled it due to the hate that she faced josh boone the film's director stated that he grew up with very strict religious parents which formed the basis of her character and you can probably tell as she gets the most development charlie heaton plays sam guthrie
Who's able to fly at supersonic speeds henry zagar plays roberto de costa who can control solar energy and lastly of course is dany she and rayne become the film's emotional heart and their relationship becomes a big focal point now what unites these characters is that all of them have been struck with great tragedy and in most cases their powers manifesting led to the death of someone close to them
they're haunted by visions of their past and this is eventually revealed to be dany's powers coming to fruition unsure of what to do with this reyes reaches out to her employers who are revealed to be the essex corporation and they order her to kill dany reign suspects something's not right and catches reyes in the act cutting her face up before she flees the team also fight the smiley men and after defeating them they track down reyes in order to get free reyes argues that dany is too dangerous to live because she's unable to control her power and this would very much lead to a jason striker situation
if she were allowed to roam free the group stand beside her but due to the treatment that reyes put it through her subconscious is run wild and the demon bear manifests once more eating reyes yikes now it's here that the group really come together in order to fight the beast however dany is the only one who can stop it
In her subconscious she comes face to face with her father who tells her that it's time to face a fear the character awakens from her phase of sleep is that is that a scientific term but i don't know terrible script writing anyway she steps forward calms down the bear and thus controls it this is of course a metaphor for dany controlling her own fear and therefore gaining control of her power the group stand outside the hospital and realize that the force field is down and head out into the world which ends the film i probably shouldn't call this an end and explained
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which i might not do in the end now as for what could happen going forward well i i don't actually think that we will be seeing the characters again josh boone did state that he had something for a post-credits scene however he didn't put it in the eventual release because he didn't think there would be any sequels going forward and it was just completely unlikely that anything else would happen i think that this group would have actually fit in pretty well with the ones that we saw at the end of logan but it does look like disney is indeed scrapping the idea of the new mutants going forward due to their removal of the scene which would have put things in place for next time now as for my thoughts on the film
I'm actually surprised it got delayed as much as it did I really don't think that this is the train wreck that everyone thought it would be I know the reshoots might have added something it's not completely abysmal dark phoenix is still the worst x-men movie to me and then probably wolverine origins after it sure this isn't anything amazing that you must rush out and see and potentially risk your life for but meh it's not bad overall I don't think I'll be watching it again but it's fine yeah it's fine you know what I'm gonna give it a six out of ten now that's new mutants obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on it so make sure you comment below.
Finally the new Mutant Movie b any wali he is my humy Ek new Mutant ke team dekhny ko Miley ge is team my Maisie Williams as Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane, Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana Rasputin / Magik, Charlie Heaton as Sam Guthrie / Cannonball, Blu Hunt as Danielle Moonstar / Mirage, Henry Zaga as Roberto da Costa / Sunspot, hen in sub ko Ek old Hospital me experiment ya kisi or maksed k liy Rekha Jata he Jaha Doctor, Alice Braga as Cecilia Reyes in ko monitor kerti hen or in ke powers ka pta chalati he. Magik ko jald he ye baat pta CHL jati he k yeh koi hospital ya school nehi balky Ek jail he jaha inhy prisoner bna k Rekha Gia he ab ya to yeh ho skta he k inhy kisi mission k liy ready Kia JA reha ho ya pher villain in ke powers Lena chata he ab yeh to humy movie dekh ker he PTA chly ga.
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New Mutants and their Abilities:
- Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana Rasputin / Magik,
Illyana Rasputin Colossus ke behn he Jo k X Man team ka member tha is k pass teleportation Kearny ke powers he.
- Maisie Williams as Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane
Maisie Williams ko hum Aria stack k Naam se b janty he is me is k pass werewolf bunny ke powers he.
- Charlie Heaton as Sam Guthrie / Cannonball
- Blu Hunt as Danielle Moonstar / Mirage,
- Henry Zaga as Roberto da Costa / Sunspot,
Sunspot Ek Brazilian Mutant he Jis k pass Suraj ke energy ko manipulate ker k use kerny ke powers hen.
Antonio Banderas ko as a villain Cast Kia Gia he shaid Abhi tek sirf in k character k bary me nehi btia Gia to ho skta he k Antonio Banderas he villain ho.
Antonio Banderas ko as a villain Cast Kia Gia he shaid Abhi tek sirf in k character k bary me nehi btia Gia to ho skta he k Antonio Banderas he villain ho.
Movie Original Storyline: We will see The New Mutant team in the team We see Magik, Wolfsbane and other teenage mutants try to come to grips with their superpowers while staying at a secret facility.
Movie Cast & Crew
Movie Category : Action, Sci-fi, Drama.
This Movie Directed by: Josh Boone.
This Movie Produces by: Simon Kinberg, Karen Rosenfelt, Lauren Shuler Donner.
This Movie Distribute by: 20th Century Studio.
Production Companies: Marvel Entertainment, 20th Century Studios, Genre Films , Sunswept Entertainment, TSG Entertainment.
Movie Edited by : Robb Sullivan.
This Movie Music From: Nate Walcott, Mike Mogis.
Cinematography : Peter Deming.
Movie Story by : Chris Claremont, Bob McLeod.
Movie Screenplay : Josh Boone, Knate Lee.
Movie Based on : New Mutants by Chris Claremont, Bob McLeod.
This Movie Starring : Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga , Blu Hunt , Henry Zaga.
Country & Language: United States of America & English language.