Haste Makes Waste Meaning In Urdu

Mahnoor Ali
Haste Makes Waste Meaning In Urdu
Haste Makes Waste Meaning In Urdu

Haste Makes Waste

In English In Urdu
Idiom Haste Makes Waste جلدی کا کام شیطان کا
Phrase Haste Makes Waste آگےدوڑپیچھاچھوڑ
Local Languag Jaldi Ka Kaam Shaitan Ka जल्दी काम शैतान का

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Haste makes waste is a proverb that means it's better to take your time and do something right the first time than to hurry and make mistakes.

This proverb is often used when someone is trying to hurry through a task without taking care. It's a reminder that it's better to take your time and do something right than to hurry and make mistakes.

This proverb can be traced back to the 15th century, and it's still relevant today. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to rush through things without taking the time to do them right. But haste does indeed make waste, and it's often better to slow down and do things right the first time.


What is the meaning of haste makes waste?

used to say that doing something too quickly causes mistakes that result in time, effort, materials, etc., being wasted.

What is an example of haste makes waste?

You use 'makes waste in a hurry' to indicate that rushing can lead to costly mistakes. Usage example: "I am always careful with my work. After all, haste leads to ruin."

Who said haste makes waste?

Benjamin Franklin

Quote by Benjamin Franklin: “Haste makes waste.”

What is proverb of haste?

More haste, less speed

Proverb Too early and without due diligence, focus and attention to detail can result in errors being avoided and thus requiring more time to complete the work satisfactorily.

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