Bird's oF prey 2020 Download Full Movie in Hindi Dubbed

Saad Ali


Hello, Guys Today We are Going to Talk about the Hollywood Superhit Movie Birds Of Prey In This Movie, Main Role-Playing Harlee queen After the Harlee Character Famous Studio Decide To Make and Release Harlee Quen Separate Movie So Guys If You Want To See This Movie So We are Providing here Full Movie You Can Easily Watch And Enjoy With Your Friends And Family Or If You Want another Movie So You Can Tell Us In The Comments Section We are trying to Provide if You Like This Post So Kindly Share With Your Friends And Family Thank you so Much If You Share.

After the suicide squad movie Harley Quinn getting her own movie in the movie she splitting up with joker and she assembles the superhero team and fighting against the badass in the team we will see the Black Canary, Huntress, Renee Montoya, 

birds of prey 2020 full movie
birds of prey 2020 full movie

Bird's oF prey full movie 2020

Our thoughts about the story: 

IN the trailer start we are looking at Bird’s of prey teammates the story about their comic Bird’s of prey team save the little girl whose name is Cassandra Cain Bird’s of prey team save  Cassandra Cain to for black Mask, Black Mask is the villain in the movie I’m giving you some information about Bird’s of prey superheroes first Harley Quinn we know about Harley she’s comes from suicide squad and the next is black canary her original name is Dinah-Lanse her father is a policeman and mother is an original black canary and next is Huntress her parents work for Mafia and one day they killed her parents and she revenge Mafia her original name is Helena Bertinelli, next is Renee Montoya she is not Bird’s of prey teammate she is in the police and after the resin her job she may be joining the team. 

Bird's oF prey Full Review
Bird's oF prey Full Review 

Original Storyline:   After splitting up with the Joker, Harley Quinn joins three female superheroes Black Canary, Huntress, and Renee Montoya to save the life of a little girl (Cassandra Cain) from an evil crime lord.

Bird's of Prey Full Movie

Movie Cast & Crew

Release date: 7 February 2020.

Category: Action, Adventure, Crime, drama 

Directed by: Cathy yan.

Produce by: Margot Robbie.

Written by: Cristina Godson.

Music by: Daniel Pemberton.

Leading Actors: Margot Robbie(Harley Quinn), Mary Elizabeth Winstead(Helena Bertinelli/Huntress), Jurnee smollettsmollett-bell(Dinah-Lance/Black canary), Rosie Perez( Renee Montoya), Ewan McGregor(Black Mask),. 

Movie story based on: Birds of prey. 

The budget of this movie: (75/100 million dollars)

Language: English

DC Universe Comics.